Holy Moments

These are excerpts from some recent morning pages after reading the following passage from Father Richard Rohr and sitting quietly in the loving presence of God. “To enter into relationship with the Risen Christ, we have to let go of ourselves, surrender control of our lives, and let the Spirit be given to us. We think that we might lose our individuality, yet surrendering to God actually increases it. For once in our lives, we’re truly free to become ourselves rather than what others want us to be. The highest form of self-possession is the capacity to give ourselves away. By giving ourselves completely to God, we come to be possessed by God and in full possession of ourselves at the same time.”

Writing 1
In this place I can come alive. In this space I can choose life.
The demands and desires attempt to overwhelm me, to bring me under.
All I have to do is remember that this is all there is.
This moment. This place. This space.

Writing 2
There is holiness here. Holiness in every mundane moment, waiting to be known. Your Spirit gives life, brings curiosity, inspires ideas, lends love. You are here and you are there, breathing life into each moment. Without you, there is nothingness. Without connection, there is no meaning. Sometimes I lose that connection in the busyness of the day. The list piles up and I go about checking boxes, losing the spirit of and mystery in everything.

You are still there, waiting for me to reconnect. To come back to you, recognize you, invite you back in. You are that alight and peace in the center of everything. Making sense of it all when none of it does. You are the calm in the storm. You are always there, waiting for connection and surrender. Open. Loving arms. Simply waiting. Thank you for your patience, love and unending grace.

Writing 3
Speak to me, I say. And yet you need no command. You offer yourself freely if I only open my ears. Fill me, I ask. And yet you already have. For I am you and you are me. Your Spirit is my spirit and I am nothing without you. I only need to remember, acknowledge and accept this truth each moment of everyday. I am good and holy and capable because You are in me. Your power and Your love are mine. All I need to do is end the separation and let life flow. no holding back and no forcing.

Your signals and validation are everywhere. In my heart, mind and body you are constantly directing me. It is my duty to quiet the noise enough to hear and feel You. That still, small voice. Those slight urges and nudges. You communicate in whispers and I must do what I can to create the space and the silence to see and feel the nuance. Because that nuance is full of answers. It gives me life, directs my path. It is, You are, the source of joy, hope, peace and love that I seek.

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